Collection: Dry Herb Vaporizers

Dry herb vaporizers or flower vapes are not the same as the vape pens you ‘may’ be more familiar with. They directly vape the herbs, instead of extracts and concentrates that have been removed from the plant, and involve nothing else but pure, natural dry herbs. We’ve tested a lot of herb vapes at Planet of the Vapes, to bring you the very best the industry has to offer. The flower vapes we have for sale will introduce you to incredible herbal flavors, without the smoke.

What is a dry herb vaporizer?

Unlike combusting herbs, which destroys the plant material and creates sooty, hot smoke, dry herb vaporizers use hot air, with either conduction heating (PAX Plus vaporizer) or convection heating (Tinymight 2 vaporizer), to boil off the goodies and produce vapor. You load vaporizers with loose-leaf material like a pipe, so you’re in complete control of what you vaporize. It’s like smoking, just without the smoke. Herbal vaporizers come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all consist of three main, high-quality components: the heating element/chamber, the vapor path/mouthpiece, and the battery. They differ from concentrate pens, which only vaporize dry concentrates but still provide a convenient and portable method for consuming dry herbs.

Desktop dry herb vaporizers

It started with desktop vaporizers that plug into a wall, come with a vast temperature range, and have unlimited power. With all that juice and plenty of room to operate, desktops are the way to go for serious vaporizers that don’t want to stress battery life, and people who mostly vaporize at home. Some desktop vaporizers let you take hits with a whip, like a hookah. Others blow up bags. Some, like the Extreme Q and Volcano Hybrid, do both! All of them have bigger bowls for larger doses than their portable counterparts, superior airflow, and flexible heat settings. The Plenty vaporizer has a handle, so you can pass it around the couch for a relaxing vaping experience.