Collection: Vaporizers

Vaporizers have allowed dry herb patrons to ditch the smoke in favor of a cleaner, more refined experience for over 20 years. Whether it’s a portable vaporizer, or a desktop vaporizer, you can choose from our selection knowing that we’re an authorized reseller for major brands like Storz & Bickel, PAX, Boundless, and Arizer. When you buy vaporizers from us, they’re always backed by POTV’s unique 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Why do I need a Vaporizer?

You’ve probably heard that vaporizers, like the PAX 3 or Volcano, are healthier than smoking, but there’s more to it than that. Not only will your lungs thank you, but so will your wallet, thanks to vaporizing’s increased efficiency and functionality. Vapor also has a less imposing smell than smoke and doesn’t invade the space for as long. Grab a vaporizer with multiple temperatures, and you’ll discover a variety of effects you didn’t know you could dial in. Once you’ve decided to start vaporizing, get ready for a wave of choices and options to consider and killer vapor production.

We’ve got you covered!

That’s where we step in. At Planet of the Vapes, we make it easy for you by thoroughly testing as many dry herb vaporizers as possible to bring you only the best vaporizers we would use ourselves. We don’t sell everything under the sun—just vapes we love and are worth your time, so you don’t have to wade through all the junk. Because of all that work we put in for you, we can stand behind your purchase with a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. We have the expertise, the catalog, and the guarantee, so you can choose a vaporizer with confidence.

Fast-track to the right vape

If you’re just getting started with vaporizers, let’s cover some basics to get you on the right path quickly. In general, there are three types of vaporizers: e-cigs, dry herb vaporizers, and concentrate vaporizers (pen vaporizers). If you’re looking for e-cigs (for liquids), try your google search again—you won't find that here. If you’re looking for a dry herb vaporizer, congratulations—it’s all we do!

Instead of destroying your herbs in a cloud of smoke, dry herb vaporizers gently release the herbal essence with a strong and soothing vapor. Vaporizers heat your herbs to temperature settings below the burning point, and the higher the temperature, the more intense the effects.